Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This blog is about Michael Jordan and his road to NBA history. In this blog we will go over his life from his child hood, NBA career, and after his NBA career.  His life story is a perfect example of what hard work can achieve because he started out just playing basketball with his brother in the backyard. From there he grew into, who is considered to be, the greatest basketball player in the history of the game.(  Michael Jordan is an icon for young people everywhere because they all want to be like Michael. Michael brought personality to the sport and played it in a different way than anyone has before. He would make shots with his eyes closed. He would always stick his tongue out when he was going to do a big dunk. He just played the game as he wanted too that’s what made him special, and not to mention the amazing basketball skills he has and led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships. Now if that is not impressive I don’t know what is. Imagine one man leading one team to six championships that’s nearly impossible to do. He loved the game so much that he even came back a few years after his retirement to try and help his team he owned to get better. Besides all of that the meaning of this blog is to focus on Michael Jordan’s life and his accomplishments during his life in the NBA and his personal life.